Harmony and Wisdom thru Gentleness

Whenever the consequences of your choices and decisions become bad ceremonies, your life will be out of harmony. Continuing to push against obstacles will make progress difficult because conflict requires two opposing forces to exist. However, gentle actions, based on love, compassion, patience, understanding, and respect toward humans, animals, and plants will accomplish much more.
Do not confuse gentleness with weakness though. Moving with the flow of the universe requires great inner power in order to channel your personal energy toward dissolving conflicts. This non-competitive, collaborative awareness must be practiced to become an instinctual habit. A patient, gentle approach to conflicts between people with different goals and values becomes easier when everyone feels comfortable that their needs will be met and that winning does not have to mean someone else looses.
  • If today was the last day of your life, what choices or decisions would you make different?
  • Do you appreciate your blessings every day?
  • Do you believe your Higher Power (God, The Universe, The Creator, Ala, etc) always gives you exactly what you need only when you are ready for it?

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