Reclaiming your Energy

Your main duty, goal, or responsibility in life is to take care of yourself so you can assist and help others. Accept that you are totally in control of how you feel by claiming your power, building your esteem and making your stand by owning and healing how you feel.
Unfortunately, the stresses and pressures of everyday life can over shadow this instinctive drive to do what's best for you. When you notice a loss of energy, focus, or concentration, and possibly even interest and enthusiasm in your favorite activities, your body is signaling a need to slow down to recharge your body's batteries. Listen to what your body is telling you and never blindly accept this fatigue as 'normal'.
"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life." — Mary Manin Morrissey
Step off the merry-go-round to reflect, relax, and rest. Improve your diet by increasing the nutritional value of the foods you're eating. Reprioritize your schedule and eliminate or decrease the frequency of some activities. Evaluate the emotional energy you're using: too little stimulation can cause depression and low energy, while intense emotions like jealousy, regret, sadness, or anger will waste large amounts of energy. Start a journal of venting about each and everything that trips your trigger. Instead of letting the same intense thoughts continue to swirl around your mind, just write it down and LET IT GO.
"In truth, to attain to interior peace, one must be willing to pass through the contrary to peace. Such is the teaching of the Sages." — Swami Brahmanada

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