Control, Beliefs, & Reality

Once you become aware of and accept all the things in life that you cannot control — those things that are not your job — you can start appreciating all the good things in your life. Your perception of your reality changes even if your life doesn't, and your journey shifts course effortlessly.

The beauty of reaching this point is that now you no longer need to work nearly as hard at feeling happy and content. You can relax because you finally get it, once and for all — you no longer need to try to control, defend, protect, or guard against risk. It was never your responsibility anyway, but now it's not even tempting. You've let go, stopped hanging on to your old ways of thinking, and you can just go with the flow!

You are not always right — but it's not always because you are wrong.

You are not doomed nor fated to have a bad life — nor are you a BAD PERSON. Your reality is simply clouded by those early beliefs which you absorbed which are no longer true, acceptable, nor applicable. Identify and discard old beliefs and replace them with acceptable beliefs. Just relax, accept, and allow your new reality to unfold.

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