
"No man is an island, entire of itself."  -- John Donne
Do you agree with this statement or not? Do you ever just want to jump off the crazy merry-go-round of your life and hide? Do you live your life by connecting to other living entities, be it people, animals, or plants, — or do you try to stay separate and apart?
"Beliefs separate. Loving thoughts unite." -- Paul Ferrini
Whenever you want to remain separated from other people or situations, it's because your personality or ego is in control.  It concentrates on the differences between people, religions, abilities, finances, age, education, etc, etc.  And it's not the healthiest or happiest perspective to hang onto. 
All living things are interdependent on each other, in one way or another, be it human, animal, or plant. Fortunately, the human soul does not notice the differences between any living entity and easily allows the connections and interdependencies.
In order NOT to remain separate for extended periods of time, manually shift your perspective to your soul where your feelings can be controlled.
"As a holistic being, you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate." -- Wayne Dyer

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