Thinking, not Wanting

From time to time, everyone wants something different in their life, some people want more often than others, and some people want more things changed than others.  Believe it or not though, the secret to changing your life is as simple as changing your thinking.
"Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life."  -- James Allen
Wanting — that feeling of longing for something that you don't have, or that feeling that there is something lacking in your life — can totally consume all your energy, taking it away from everything else, while perpetuating your sense of deprivation and unhappiness. 
The irony is that your reality is influenced by the feelings produced from your core beliefs, and those feelings — whether of wanting or of abundance — multiply exponentially to become self-fulfilling. The more you want, the more you notice what you don't have.  But the more you focus on your blessings, advantages, and your inner divinity, the more abundance you will see, feel, and attract. 
Spending just 10 - 15 minutes daily to quietly appreciate all the blessing in and wealth of your life, while imagining yourself coping with all your stressful situations, can be enough to receive an endless supply of bounty.  Make the effort of simple awareness to correct your misconception about your birthright to have all your needs and desires fulfilled.  Become the magnet which attracts all of the emotional, physical, and financial blessings you want in your life.

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