"You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind." -- Dale Carnegie
With each decision you make, there is the potential for self-doubt and increased insecurity. Each choice you make can strip away your personal power and leave you with only negative feelings. These erroneous perceptions are not objective nor based on actual abilities, and can become very self-limiting. Think about what previous experiences could have contributed to your tendencies to stay away from risky or uncomfortable situations; when have you received too little positive reinforcement.
Kick up your courage and focus on loving yourself more. Concentrate on your strengths and abilities to find a good direction. Start achieving more than you ever considered possible simply by acting decisively.
"It is never about how good your voice is; it is only about feeling the urge to sing, and then having the courage to do it with the voice you are given." -- Katie in 'True to Form' by Elizabeth Berg
However, there's a difference in controlling and accomplishing. Just because you want to accomplish, control, or design a siuation doesn't necessarily mean it's the best thing for you. You see, the best directions in your life require the least amount of effort. If difficulties start appearing for something you've orchestrated, life is trying to tell you that's not where you need to go or what you need to do.
"Lighten up! Whatever happens as a result of your decision, you'll handle it!" -- Susan Jeffers
Just as 'life' is persistent about teaching us specific lessons, we are also presented with a continuing supply of ways to improve our lives. It only requires awareness and relaxing, letting go of worry, judgement, stress, or control, and just allowing your life to BE at it's own rate and direction. Never compare your accomplishments to others — your time will come when you're ready.
When you are where you need to be, the opportunities for which you are ready will present themselves. Your only 'job' is to recognize them and take advantage of them
We will all fulfill our purpose when the time is right — not before. Delays in 'your plan' simply means you're learning lessons NOW that will be more useful to you later when they're needed. You will never have an obstruction in your path which you are incapable of handling — you will always be able to grow into any new situation.
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