Controlling your Choices

Your reality is always based on your beliefs, whether they are false and limiting negative beliefs fed by the chatter from your personality [ego, mind], or broad and encouraging positive beliefs created by the calm, solid encouragement from your heart [soul], you have embraced these beliefs and acted from them for many years.  Unfortunately, when you looked outside yourself for love, validation, meaning, and purpose, you've probably also felt the roller coaster effect from the mounting excitement then the sudden crashes.  You've actually relinquished all your choices to feel happy, peaceful, and loved to someone else! 
Much of the time, we can barely control ourselves, so why would anyone possibly consider that someone else is capable of, or even wishes to be, responsible for another person's happiness, joy and peace?  That responsibility and opportunity is part of your personal power, not part of anyone else's power.  And by learning to listen to that small, quiet, non-judgmental, ever-present inner voice [self talk or your Higher Self], you always have access to your personal power, to use it to get past your fears, to make life-changing choices, and finally to take control of your own happiness and emotional well being. 

Fine tuning your belief system requires awareness first to identify any behavior, habit, or feeling you wish to eliminate.  Examine what underlying belief created a specific emotion, and then consciously decide to totally discard, adjust, enhance, or replace that belief.  Continue to examine & adjust your beliefs to enhance your perceptions and experiences — creating your new reality.
Since you become what you think, then visualizing (imagining, frequent concentration on) positive thoughts, beliefs, and patterns will contribute to your desired changes. Develop a sentence or statement representing the biggest change you want in your life, then repeat it to yourself numerous times throughout your day.  It may be an affirmation that you are a good person and indeed deserve to have a more peaceful, joyful, and loving life; or strong encouragement for letting go of past barriers which block you from appreciating yourself; or an emotional mission statement to complete a specific project.  You can add a second statement even and alternate thinking about the two during your day.

Life is about choices, so consciously make the choice to live your life from a place of love by letting your heart [soul, inner voice or Higher Self] be in charge. Otherwise, by default, your personality [or ego] will rule your life from a place of fear.

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