The Power of Confusion

"It is while trying to get everything straight in my head that I get confused." -- Mary Virginia Micka
When life presents too many choices, your mind may become frozen trying to make a single selection. Amazingly, it's alright to be in a state of confusion. It just means you don't have enough information YET to make a wise decision.
“Lighten up! Whatever happens as a result of your decision, you’ll handle it!” -- Susan Jeffers
So, give it a rest so the dust can settle, just let it go by parking it all in a quiet spot in your mind, allowing either your sub-conscious to chew on it, or for your Higher Power to babysit it for awhile. It'll keep until your mind is clear enough to see the answer.
"You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind." -- Dale Carnegie
There may be no ONE perfect decision, but there will always be valuable lessons to be learned from each and every experience. If you HAVE to ask if something is the right choice, it probably isn't — when it's right, you know without a doubt. The more you force yourself to make a decision, the more unsure you'll be and the less likeli you'll be to make the best choice.
"I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks." -- Daniel Boone

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