"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
How can every person's reality be different and unique from every other person's reality in the same environment? It's all based on each individual's perspective of their reality [life]. Perspective is defined as the appearance of objects relative to each other, determined by their distance from the viewer. So as people, experiences, and events are farther away from an individual's reality, by both time and distance, the smaller and less important those people, experiences, and events seem. It's not as much about what is really happening as much as simply what we each think is happening.
"If we keep everything in balance, we are in harmony with ourselves and are at peace." -- Fools Crow, LAKOTA
Unfortunately, sometimes people never get far enough away from traumatic and painful events to be able to view them from a balanced perspective. By learning from but letting go of the past, we can harmoniously live in the present and create an atmosphere of peace so our future will manifest what we want.
Moderation in everything encourages harmony and balance by staying aware of the appropriate amount of time used for work/play, rest/production, awake/sleep, laughter/mediation, eating/exercising, giving/taking, etc. We all need to love ourselves, chose to be happy, and feel safe without resentment, self pity, or self-seeking motives.
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