Emotional buttons are tender spots created by painful experiences which have never been acknowledged, tended to, nor healed. Ironically 'button pushers' are not the real problem — they're only an indication of a need to resolve the painful source of any hot button. Healing requires YOU to take responsibility for your feelings and reactions created by a painful experience.
"Anger is an integrity-producing response to the invasion of your personal boundaries." --Gabrielle Roth
Getting free of your reactions from having your buttons pushed also requires setting boundaries for both yourself and for others to prevent invading each other's personal areas of responsibility. This means you insist that others allow you to make choices about your life which are best for you, as well as you refusing to take responsibility for anyone else's choices about their lives. Draw a line in the sand and refuse to let anyone cross that line. Your job is not making choices for, nor controlling, anyone else except for yourself.
Surprisingly, healing your past changes your future because your future will just be more of your past until your consciousness accepts that the past is a done-deal, learns the lessons from the experiences, and totally moves into the present. You can't have the energy for today if you're bogged down carrying around a heavy past. Your degree of living in the NOW determines your quality of consciousness — which then creates your future.
"There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." - Josh Billings, 1815-1885, American Humorist and Lecturer
Stop second guessing yourself and doubting your ability to make wise choices for your life. Let go of any guilt for the past, and forgive both yourself and others for making bad choices of behavior. Grab hold of your present by moving your consciousness to a place of faith and trust in your ability to take good care of yourself. You are from and are always a part of your mind.
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