Accept your self-image and be free

Ignoring the more negative and unpleasant aspects of your personality will affect your self-confidence because these emotions continue to voice their presence and create emotional chaos.  Real rage, fear, or anxiety are often left out of your concept of the real you because admitting what you're actually feeling is too dangerous and scary. Unfortunately, intense joy and contentment can also be omitted from your self-image and thus prevent having a balanced, accurate self-image. 

So — to finally, honestly feel good about yourself (being open, undefended, and relaxed) simply STOP wasting your time and energy and renounce that previous self-image. It's based on past experiences and memories and IS NOT your current reality.  Now it only serves to remind you of those past emotionally-charged shortfalls.  It's not who you are NOW though!

To let go of that old self-image, allow yourself to feel what you feel without judgment, not worrying about how you might look to others, not offended by your imperfect feelings or actions, not obsessing over possessions, money, nor status, and most importantly, not feeling like you must defend your feelings and opinions.  Stop trying to be perfect — you ARE only human after all!

When you can stop living your life based on your self-image, you'll finally be free to actually enjoy and even improve your reality. After all, your life is for you, not to meet anyone else's expectations.  Just be honest with yourself and make an effort to be as good a person as you can.

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