Balancing Time

"... the only time you ever have in which to learn anything or see anything or feel anything, or express any feeling or emotion, or respond to an event, or grow, or heal, is this moment, because this is the only moment any of us ever gets. You're only here now; you're only alive in this moment." — Jon Kabat-Zinn
Learn to balance your time between being and doing. You can be both effective and happy by recognizing which is most importance at this moment.
Since you don't know for sure exactly how many more moments you'll have, prioritize each unique second for a healthy balance. As much as you worry about the future or ache because of the past, all you ever really have is NOW — this moment! And at this very moment, all your troubles either live in past or in the future, which means they're only in your imagination. That makes this moment FREE and perfect.
Never undervalue time spent relaxing, re-energizing, and unstressing. Learn to separate the situation from the moment. Detach from your concerns and stay in this moment. Dwelling on the past or future will only make you feel powerless since Now is the only time you actually have the power to act. Maintain this life-centered, present-moment awareness.
"Very few of us know how much we can put into life if we use it properly, wisely, and economically. Let us economize our time — lifetimes ebb away before we wake up, and that is why we do not realize the value of the immortal time God has given us." — Paramahansa Yogananda

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