"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." Mother Theresa
Your life is controlled by your habits: how you brush your teeth, sleep, drive a car, walk, think, feel, behave, etc. Habits allow you to move through your daily activities without spending energy on the how. They allow your mind to concentrate on the where. Not all habits are productive though because they determine your unconscious choices and often lead you in circles of failure by repeating what doesn't work. Insanity is described as doing the same thing but expecting different results.
"Remember, you only have to succeed the last time." Brian Tracy: Author, speaker, and consultant
To change the path of your life, you must change your habits. Examine why you do something a certain way and make a conscious choice to replace those habits that aren't giving the desired results. You may only be able to make small adjustments at first, but bigger changes become easier due to initial successes. Accept and understand how your core beliefs drive your behavior whether unconscious habits or conscious choices.
"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy." Tony Robbins: Life-coaching author, adviser, and lecturer
Totally commit to changing one unproductive habit every three months, whether it's eating healthier, exercising regularly, getting organized, or simply no longer procrastinating. Write down detailed, specific steps for adjusting a habit, find a buddy to help with moral support, and create reminders or a schedule to reinforce the new habit.
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
The most surprising result from changing just one habit is the shift in your perspective of your life.
"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Enjoy life now it has an expiration date!
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