Living WITHOUT all the Drama

You may know of people who seem to thrive on all the constant drama in their lives.
Or you may be someone who seems to have a dark cloud of drama constantly overhead.
Some people just seem attract one calamity after another, jumping from one difficulty
to the next, and never experiencing any kind of peace, serenity, or contentment.

So is this continued 'condition' punishment by a malevolent universe for some failing
or transgression? Or do these people unconsciously attract catastrophe by their
choices, attitudes, and patterns of thought? Can it be that a string of continuous
disasters are an exciting and stimulating addiction? Does drama get you sympathy as
a victim or affection from others, a wild surge of adrenaline, or is simply just too
familiar a feeling to imagine living your life quietly and serenely?

Just as all addictions become overwhelming and out of control, the thrill of yet
another 'issue' begins to drain the soul's energy and frustrates the personality's
sense of accomplishment. So how do you stop the process?

First understand and accept all your emotions from constant upheaval and your
reactions to those events. Start a journal to help sort out your thoughts and
identify those 'benefits' that keep you willing to participate in constant drama.
When you start recognizing your needs and behaviors, you have the chance to choose
other, healthier reactions that change your perception. You will start carving out
room deep inside filled with calm and tranquil stillness that leads to a more
centered life.

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