"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere." --Agnes Repplier, 1858-1950, American Author, Social Critic
Some people seem to think it's their right to be happy without realizing that only the pursuit of happiness is a right. Many people also unwisely base their happiness on future possessions, achievements, or recognition without realizing happiness can only come from within never from others. Conflicts, judgmental criticism, blaming, punishing, and even competition, can bring feelings of guilt, inadequacy, shame, anxiety, stress, dependency, and fear, often resulting in aggressive and destructive behaviors, grudges, and vengefulness. Even compromise produces unhappiness and resentment when personal values are sacrificed. Although venting about unpleasant, frustrating, and difficult circumstances is a way of facing and letting go of fears and of moving on, many people waste their energy expecting something to change simply because they complained and/or criticized. Since the ONLY thing anyone can actually control is their own beliefs, thoughts, behavior, attitudes, reactions, and perceptions, trying to control others or events only bring frustration and anger instead of happiness. Although everyone deserves to be happy (it's not materialist nor selfish to want to be happy), it is never anyone else's job nor responsibility to make you happy. That's job truly belongs only to you!
"Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees." -- Williard Marriott, American Businessman, Founder of Marriott Hotels
Being happy is simply your personal choice of your thoughts, actions, attitudes, and expectations. Your reality, life, and circumstances are shaped by how you perceive your experiences. Simply decide that you want to learn how to be happy. Since the only constant in life is change, let go of your fears and embrace life's adventures with an inner calm and certainty that you are where you need to be, learning what you need to know. Understand that you will receive what you think about most, so focus on solutions instead of problems, and discover new opportunities and possibilities. Your energy (either positive or negative) and your perceptions all become self-fulfilling prophecies because you attract your expectations.
Concentrate your thoughts and energy on
gratitude for your blessings, appreciation for all your good memories, reverence for all life, acceptance of all the things you cannot change, forgiveness for yourself and others, and understanding that happiness is a journey, not a single destination or goal.
Always believe in yourself, your values, and your ability to create joy in your life. Learn the satisfaction that comes from your own hard, honest work. Improve your knowledge, understanding, and awareness by fostering cooperation, collaboration and connection with both nature and other people through quality relationships. Encourage open communication with abundant praise, appreciation, and acknowledgement. Giving others happiness (like love) brings YOU more happiness (and love), so committing yourself to the service of others and something larger than yourself can bring you much happiness.
"It is an illusion to think that peace can be attained by strength of arms, it can only be found within yourself by all who are peaceful & defenseless." --Deepak Chopra, East-Indian-American M.D., New Age Author, Lecturer
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