Keep your life as simple and uncomplicated as possible. The more materialistic things you have, the more worry you have. Only ask why when you're far enough away from a difficult situation to assess and learn from it. Gather your scattered energy to create a safe space where your creativity and inspiration can regrow. Don't force your way through your confusion though — just wait patiently for all the information you need to make a wise decision. By then, you will either discover a way to reach your goal — or realize you don't want it after all. Peace of mind can only happen when you don't worry about the things you could loose while living in the now and being grateful for the good in your life.
"...[W]isdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start truly living the life the Creator intended for you." — Lelia Fisher, HOH
Do not search for wisdom; it cannot arrive while you're wishing, waiting and watching or trying too hard to achieve it. Wishing implies doubt and trying implies control. When life is most challenging, search for the spiritual lesson in the experience. Accept that you will receive everything you need when you're ready for it.
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