"Knowledge is a beautiful thing, but the use of knowledge in a good way is what makes for wisdom." Sun Bear, CHIPPEWA
"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think." Foundation for Inner Peace: Publisher of Course in Miracles
Although accepting your reality without asking "why me?" type questions is healthy, regularly asking yourself why you feel or do something specific allows you to examine your unconscious beliefs, resulting feelings and thoughts, and eventual behavior and grow your wisdom. This self talk improves the origin of your reasoning, habits, and underlying motives, so awareness is your only chance to change them when you want.
"As long as one keeps searching, the answers come." Joan Baez
Regardless of the name you give to your higher power, you should believe this power wants you to be happy and for you to meet your goals. Consequently nothing happens to you without a higher purpose. When you stay open to a wide range of possibilities and embrace concepts like synchronicity, you follow the guidance being provided to you for your journey through life. Then your quest for success will become joyous as you discover your destiny.
"When you are able to contain both the light and dark together, that is a very enlightening state. It means that you no longer have to choose one experience over another. You do not have to choose love OR hate, blame OR forgiveness, sadness OR joy, anger OR openheartedness. You are no longer polarized; no particular feeling boxes you in and keeps you from the light of true self. You then have access to the full range of human experiences you came into this life to embrace." Martia Nelson
The Bible says all things in moderation. Logic says everything and anything should be balanced in order to function correctly. Stop seeing the world as either black or white because nothing is that simple. Everything has two sides: a negative and a positive side each being a part of the whole. Choosing one side over the other disturbs the balance and limits your experiences and knowledge.
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