"Life is either a great adventure or nothing at all!" -- Helen Keller
Your life your reality, is whatever you feel it should be! You have the ability to define your NOW but it does require the following steps:
- ACCEPT the facts that cannot be changed:
- No one can change the hurt, pain, and disappointments you've experienced in your past.
- Bad things did not happen to you because of bad luck or as punishment.
- If you were harmed by someone else, you are not to blame, did nothing wrong, and did not cause any one else's behavior.
- You cannot, and should not try to, control another person's behavior
- You can only control your own actions by adjusting your perception of and beliefs about situations.
- If you've caused harm to yourself, learn the lessons and stop repeating the cycle.
- Knowing how those negative feelings made you feel are now unique ASSETS.
- Everyone's reality is based on perception not necessarily absolutes, truth, or facts.
- FORGIVE both yourself and others for being mere ignorant, imperfect human beings.
- Everyone does the best job they can to take care of themselves based on their level of knowledge at the time a choice of behavior was made.
- Just because your pain is familiar does not mean it's necessary nor productive.
- You're not being "disloyal" by abandoning those old feelings, simply lazy and/or timid.
- Just let go of all that hurt, pain, failure, & hate from the PAST it's served it's purpose.
- DO NOT let ANYONE ELSE define your reality or your future by something they did in the past?
- Mistakes are lessons to help you become better, wiser, and happier.
- Be GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL for all that you have in your life:
- Regardless of how horrible your past may have been this is NOW.
- All of life is an adventure feel excited about and ready for whatever comes next.
- Fear is the thought that you won't have something you feel you need or that you will loose something you currently have, so loose that fear by determining the associated need.
- Fear is always made up in your mind and worse than any actuality.
- The source of joy, serenity, peace, & happiness is from within you, never from outside.
- Happiness is your responsibility and never caused by someone else's behavior.
- Appreciate all your current blessings: health, intelligence, education, family, friends, employment, comradery, community, opportunities, sunshine, satisfaction, relaxation, etc.
- Express thanks often (daily, every morning, every night, whatever works for you) to keep yourself grounded.
- Life is full of CHOICES:
- Even doing nothing is a choice, so choose to do something that will improve your life.
- Your actions and behavior stem from feelings which are based on your underlying beliefs.
- Choices are based on either love [of life]or fear [fear of ultimate death].
- Examine, and when needed, change those beliefs which are no longer productive.
- Change your feelings by reframing an experience from another point of view.
- Regardless of any situation, you can always choose to be happy about something.
- Your future will be what you think about, so attract the future you want by focusing on all the opportunities, ingredients, resources and teachers available to you to develop that desired future.
- Imagine your future is your present, change for the better, forgive yourself and others, and concentrate on your blessings to create a brand new reality.
- You alone can make changes or do nothing and stay stuck in the life you have now!
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