Everything you say, do, think, and feel comes from your belief system.You believe everything you say to yourself.So. . .the ONLY way to control how you feel, think, and behave is to tweak your basic beliefs.
Listen to what you're telling yourself — your self talk. These are the words you say to yourself, the mental image you get from those words, and finally, the feelings and emotions associated with the words and image. Some say this is listening to your heart. There's unbelievable power connected to successfully acknowledging your beliefs because they influence all the choices [whether consciously or unconsciously] which you make in your life. Become aware of them!
Why did you accept a particular belief as being important and valid enough to use it to guide your choices in life? Did your mother, father, favorite uncle, magazine, television, teacher, doctor, best friend, or worst enemy tell you "a fact" which you accepted as truth and then placed it in your belief vault to allow it to influence your life?
When you feel irritable and conflicted, it could be that your quiet, inner voice is trying to scream and yell at you that what you're doing does not agree with what you believe you should be doing?
Perhaps you read a magazine article long ago describing how a successful business person created wealth, and you accepted the belief that accumulating money is the only important activity you want in your life. And yet, you later discover the joys of spending time with your family enjoying leisure activities. However, that little voice deep inside keeps nagging you to stop wasting time and go make more money. Ultimately, you won't be happy engaged in either activity until your beliefs are reconciled with your current values, desires, and priorities.
Once you've actually heard one of your beliefs which is causing you conflict, you can now decide whether or not to keep it, reject it, or change it. Wow, think of the power and control you have over this process! When a belief no longer enhances your life and brings you peace and happiness, or worse, when it actually creates unneeded difficulties in your life — you have the total, absolute power to adjust that belief the way you want. You can replace it with a better belief or just throw it away. You don't need anyone else's approval or even anyone else even knowing about your decisions. You have the freedom to become the person you want to be.
". . .you have to believe it first. Not wait until you see it first, then touch it, then believe it. . . You have to say it from the heart." -- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
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