The Good Life!

"We don't have to say or think what we don't wish to. We have a choice in those things, and we have to realize that and practice using that choice."  — Rolling Thunder, CHEROKEE
The human race has been given free will along with a heart beat and breath.  This means that you (and everyone else) gets to decide for yourself exactly how you feel, think, and behave. These are your only real choices in life and the only things you alone can control. Your reality comes from those choices you make because they create your perception of what's going on around you — not necessarily what's really and truly going on around you though.
So the way you choose to feel about anything and everything [your body, your family, your boss, your friends, your possessions, your experiences, your acquaintenances, your opportunities, your values, your talents, your wisdom, your expectations] are all your responsibility — your job in life. Those feelings alone determine how you think and behave.
If you have negative feelings, ugly thoughts, and bad behavior, adjust your view [step sideways and take another look] so your perspective of a situation or person will change.  Changing your reality is that simple!
To keep your daily expectations balanced, CHOOSE
to be grateful for the good things in your life and 
to forgive people for making bad choices which have hurt you.

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